Wednesday, July 23, 2008

Shorties are now live

Well sort of... The congo has been stocked but I haven't had the time to stock Royal Bottoms yet.

Here is my favorite action shot!

Saturday, July 19, 2008

My latest find

Just when I thought I wasn't going to be buying fabric for a while the local store just had to run a 40% off sale! And of course I had to stumble upon the cutest fabric in the whole world. It is from the Alexander Henry collection, and is called Juicy Jungle, how can you go wrong with a name like that.

I was very excited to put the fabric to good use and make a custom order. I apolgoize for image quality.

This is a double sided back, one compartment for clean diapers and one for dirty. It even has a pocket for a spray bottle.

Inside of the bag is a matching striped fabric.

Wednesday, July 9, 2008

Growing up Green

Check out this amazing collaboration of some very crafty women. It all started as a random thread on a message board, but it grew into a whole community and a new idea was born. We started Growing up Green a congo on Hyena Cart, specializing in hand made items for mom and baby.